Get to know your fluids.
Alcohol is often an important part of celebrations, cultural traditions and weekly routines, however too much can influence your health, sleep and mood.
Alcohol has many effects on the body, but if consumed in moderation (and avoiding ‘binges’ or regular overconsumption), long term negative effects on the body can be avoided.
Alcohol contains about 7 calories per gram and stimulates your appetite which together with regular consumption can lead to weight gain. Longer term, continued high alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, liver complications and weight related health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
The 2018 World Health Organisation’s Alcohol and Health report has shown alcohol consumption has stayed at a similar level between 2010 and 2016 at 33g (or 4 units) per person but with over half of the global adult population choosing to avoid alcohol in 2016 more of us are starting to look for non-alcoholic options.
Globally alcohol consumption varies. Europe has the highest levels yet Africa experiences the biggest impact of alcohol consumption through related diseases and injuries.
Advice on how much alcohol varies per country, with some countries banning alcohol altogether, but all agree on a general recommendation to limit intake and if included to enjoy in moderation.