
Frequent Flyers

Travelling between time zones? Here’s how to get back on track.

Travelling between or within countries often means experiencing different time zones which can result in jet lag typical symptoms include difficulty sleeping, feeling of tiredness, lack of concentration or changes in normal digestive processes. Although jet lag symptoms usually pass after a couple of days, there are steps we can take to reduce the effect of it.

Top Tips

1: Sleep

As soon as you can, align your sleep timings with your new destination. This helps to align your body with the light and dark cycles of the destination which helps to re-programme the Circadian Rhythm to the new time zone. Use an alarm to help you wake up in the morning and avoid oversleeping.

2: Hydration

Keep hydrated including plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic) during travelling and when you arrive. Try to limit intake of caffeine and alcohol as these can make symptoms of jet lag worse.

3: Daylight

Natural light is a major external factor in a Circadian Rhythm, so aim to get out during natural day light to help your body adjust.

4: Healthy Eating

Surprise, surprise choosing a healthy balanced diet helps to provide slow releasing energy and nutrients your body needs. Trying to avoid rushing to quick energy boosters such as fried snacks, chocolate or sugary drinks can help to not only balance your diet but also your waist line.